Waypoint Opseu Collective Agreement

OpsEU regularly receives applications from members covered by collective agreements across the province to obtain copies of their central contract. The following six links provide easy access and allow you to download a copy of your collective agreement in Adobe format. AMAPCEO members of the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care voted “yes” in favour of the proposed five-year collective agreement. You can also contact your staff representative or the nearest regional office to get a copy of your collective agreement. Here is a list of all the regional offices. OPSEU represents workers in too many collective agreement units to provide copies of collective agreements to individual employers on the site. If you can`t find your collective agreement on this page, you can search for it in our private sector – the membership portal. Please log on to the members` portal to verify that your collective agreement has been published for you. The President of OPSEU is calling on the government to put in place the funds for… For more information: Warren (Smokey) Thomas, 613-329-1931; Pete Sheehan, President, OPSEU Local 329 at Waypoint, 705-209-9050 Health unions welcome significantly improved covid-19s… 2018-2021 OPSEU Corrections Collectives Agreement (Final) Ontario Public Service January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017 Liquor Control Board of Ontario April_2017 -_March 31 2021 LCBO Collective Agreement .pdf “We will keep management feet in the way until they begin to respect our members,” says Thomas. “If you disrupt staff schedules, it affects health and safety, quality services, job security and continuity of care.

You`re making a big mistake. The Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) is one of Ontario`s most advanced and powerful unions. It represents 165,000 employees on the front line, providing a multitude of public services in communities across the province. You work in the provincial government… SOURCE Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) OPSEU calls CSNs descent tower in Dangerous Ontario prisons… “Thank you to elected negotiating team members Monica Murphy and Sherrie Fournier at Waypoint and Gary Perlmutter, a member of AMAPCEO, for their efforts to reach an agreement so quickly,” said President Dave Bulmer. “This five-year contract is a fair contract for Waypoint`s hard workers, who help plan and provide excellent mental health care.” Outside the Waypoint Centre, Fuller Ave. Entry to 500 Church St. OPSEU entrance represents 1,104 workers at Waypoint, with part-time workers now more than full-time employees from 593 to 511.